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Hello Members!
The RCA executive, with help from Alysson Storey, has set up a GoFund Me page to help out the Bayview Market and local food banks.
Through GoFundMe we are seeking cash donations to support the Bayview Market and local Food Banks at the same time. All money donated will be given to Mike and Tina who will “go shopping” in their store for the items most-needed.
We think this is a win-win: Mike and Tina will recoup some of the losses they face with the recent campground cancellations, the items in their store won’t go to waste, and local food banks will ultimately stock their shelves when demand is high. Any amount is sincerely appreciated. This avenue allows our members south of the border to take part as well!
Click here to go to the page.
Thank you!
Elizabeth Cooper, RCA Website Editor