Hi Cottagers!
It’s that time of year again, we are gearing up for The Gift CK in Rondeau. The Gift is a holiday gift/toy/food/little bit of everything drive that helps to ensure everyone in our community has the chance to give and receive this holiday season. The items were looking for can be found in the photo below.
Ways to Contribute:
1. The best way you participate in Rondeau is by dropping off a gift at The Bayview Market with Mike or Tina or leaving it in the red bins inside the store now until November 18 at noon. Gift cards are a great way to donate and really helps us ensure all age groups including teens can receive gifts suited to them! Items can also be dropped off at Judy Gerber’s home on Rose Line.
2. If you cannot drop your gift off on November 18. or need a pick-up/assistance and/or have questions could you please message myself or Rondeau’s local captain: Judy Gerber – 647-624-7519.
3. We are also doing pick ups from doorsteps for all of Chatham-Kent including Rondeau and surrounding area. Please have the gift on your doorstep by 12:00 pm NOON on Saturday, November 18.
4. Another way to give is by with a cheque donation. All cheques must be made out to COME TOGETHER CK. This is the organization that the gift falls under.
Thank you in advance for helping spread the holiday cheer and bring together our community again this year.
Laurel and Judy